Friday, October 17, 2008

The Slack-end-of-year

I don't know what to do now, its end-of-year holidays soon and I'm getting bored of Soldier Front, Wolfteam, Maple Story, mind u, I dun really like Maple, but I like ks-ing ppl and making some frens zzzzz.

Have been listening to music with new I-tunes. For some reason I would prefer watching to music videos such as this....

Whatever it is, I fell that this holiday would be a rather empty one.....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More vids coming right up!

I'm having trouble finding this vid, among many pirated vids, so I guess u could at least post it here!

AND....Some music to cheer u up...

The long sleep

For some reasons,I've not been updating this half-dead blog, don't ask me why. However, today, while I was studying for my final Chemistry exam on Monday, I felt this sudden urge to show all of you something which I have kept for months. I FELL IN LOVE with CODE LYOKO's THEME SONG!!! Curses! You may think this is kind of retarded, but seriously, I never imagined to have fallen for such a catchy song. Maybe I should show u :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

An "Educated" week

Today was a great week. I've learnt the history of F**K. Generally, its known as sexual intercourse, but 2day during school I found out that F-word originated from viking, pirate-barbarians, who use that word for "do". Later, after a certain town was captured, the citizens who were captured heard the vikings who captured them say the F-word many times, and they (citizens) became so angry with them because of mistreatment, that they used F-word against them. That's how F-word became a swear word. Later that day after school, my classmates kept on saying, " Don't forget 2 **** ur homework"!

Anyway, I've found a new favorite band, Boys Like Girls, however I still like Linkin Park's songs. Numb, Shadow of the day, What I've done, In The End..... they still rock! However found new songs, such as Boys like Girls's Great Escape, 5 minutes to midnight etc. Well, pls recommend songs to me (except nuisancesical songs such as Spongebob). That's all 4 now, bb!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Revival SAGA

Sry guys, thought this blog is dead? Nay!!! Just got some trouble preparing for the Term 3 common test. I'm fortunate that 2day I could set aside 1 hour for entertainmnt. Got my ICAS English Paper on Monday during Maths lesson. Great! No boring lessons for the day!
Well, found out some facts on why adoloscents can't sleep early. Got something to do with our hormones during puberty. Don't worry, there's biology supporting us to sleep late. Just pray that when you try 2 persuade them on these facts, they don't literally "roll their eyes". Tell them, " I'm rolling in bed because of my hormones acting up during puberty!"
Whatever happens, school will likely always remain teaching during early mornings, when dawn begins to break. Sigh... Couldn't sleep for at lease 30 minutes everyday. It's not defiance! Not rebellion! But NATURE!!!

Oh and for compensation, a "rebellion" song coming right up....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The longest words

Got my record on the longest words. Here it goes:
3rd longest: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
2nd longest: osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullary (51 letters)
Longest: aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic (52 words)
Impressive huh? Do you notice that these words are scientific??? If you want to know the meanings, I've got not the faintest idea in the world that explains their meanings.
Got any longer words to share? Feel free to write them down on the chatbox or comments.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Hi guys, got my blog updated. Check out my talent-time videos at the bottom of the blog posts. Also, check out the other videos like Azerothians Supervillains and Shaolin soccer. Nothing interesting going on the first 2 weeks of school. School is getting more boring. Learning new things without fun. Gotta go to Annual Parade today (Saturday) evening though. Wish me best of luck :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

SJAB unit camp

Well, the first mediocre camp that I attended in my whole SJAB-sec 1 life. Woke up at 6.30 a.m in the morning and reported at school on 7.30 a.m. 1st day was okay. No fun, just training. Well, we were taught to sychronise our bunks; 4 tables- outermost for shoes and 1.5litre bottles, second outermost for home or casual clothes and underwear + socks. Next table was for P.E clothes and toiletries. Last was for eating utensils and towel.
Lights out on 12.50a.m after a night-time training session. We were woken up on 2 a.m and went on an M.E.D (Mass Evacuation Drill) training session up to 3.30 a.m before really sleeping to 7 a.m. We did 40 push-ups and withstanding a 30 minutes push-up position lecture for not sychronising our bunks properly at 7.30 a.m before going on a 3km jog and pull ups halfway. I did another 50 push ups for not being able to do 2 pull-ups and 15 dips. M.E.D was held on 10.30 p.m and ended on midnight, so we were able to sleep well.
The third day was the best because it was Recreation day. Thankfully it was an unforgettable amazing race through Orchard. We did embarrassing forfeits, thankfully only twice. Then we were confronted by con-men near Wisma Atria area when we were heading to Takashimaya for our last station. The con-men looked like gangsters and looked like they were about to fight us." "Cornered", 4 of the 6 in my bunk spent $2 each. Spent 15 min there though the con-men said it would only be a minute long. They gave us a pen each for our "donation to orphans". Back in school, we noticed the wrapper of the pen wrote that it was not a charitable organization and it was just for advertisement purposes. The pen was supposed to be free!!!!
Next it was Talent-time at 6.00 p.m. (We reached school by 4.00 p.m) We had to perform a short skit regarding to the topic "Anything". The talent-time was so hilarious that it was the best time of the camp. We barely did 30 push-ups on that day. M.E.D was help on 5.30a.m, though. By the time it was over, it was 7 a.m and we had no time to brush our teeth. It was Thursday, the last day of our camp, where we had to clear up push-ups and pack up. Watched the camp summary. Hilarious..... Then, we took our wallets and handphones and left. We were supposed to have a closing parade but since it was raining, it was called-off.
So there you are, my SJAB camp. Perhaps the camp summary video would be posted on youtube. Just type Sji-sjab camp summary 2008 and perhaps you may find the summary for our 2008 camp. Anyway, I would like 2 apologize to all 6A 2007 friends for not attending reunion BBQ due to the camp. Next time, inform me earlier! Have a nice day sluts :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Cross Country

Dear fellow bloggers,
A "Cross-Country Race" was held on Wednesday afternoon this week. Well, for me, I was in Public Duty on that day, together with my CCA-mates. We were supposed to watch out for any casualities on various checkpoints, including the finishing line. I was assigned to my post with six other CCA-mates, at the finishing line.
The race was a 4.8km distance held in the Botanical Gardens. The starting point was the CCAB, on the track, then winds to the side gate of CCAb, leads to the entrance of Botanical Gardens beside the NUS Campus. There, it goes on around Swan Lake, Evolution Garden, then goes back to CCAB, where the finishing line is positioned. The racers were designated to different groups, where most of the comes from JCs.
After a considerably long briefing, the race began without mishap, but ended with one. As the sky grew cloudy and dark, I was excited as we would be dismissed if it rains, and the race would be postphoned. However, to our amazement, the rain failed to fall, and so the race commenced. After ten minutes, we spotted the first runner emerge from a bend. He dashed across the remaining distance as photographers took pictures of him.
Trailing behind him was a crowd of other runners as they too desperately tried to clinch the best positions left. At that point, runners dragged themselves to the finishing line and most were on the verge of fainting and vomiting. This was our dread. Many fell and lay on the ground, while others leaned against the fence. A pile of runners who had tumbled was in front of us. Dazed, we rushed to help them one by one, until the pile was cleared.
Many runners were grasping for breath, others were trying to stop themselves from vomiting. There were even those who were in a spasm of pain, that they were in the verge of tears. That happened for at least another 2 hours, which was 3 races, when everything finally came to an end. It had been a frightening sight.
I was glad it was all over now. Well, I just hope that that would never ever happen again in my life, or perhaps yourlives too.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Long Time No Collect $$$

Yo subjects, what's up??? Wait! Don't avoid this post!!! I apologize sincerely 4 not posting 4 like a few weeks or more. U should know that secondary life is busy...busy...buzzy...hectic....

Well, I think I should now write 2 u about my fun and exciting, TIRING donation collecting 4 St. John's Ambulance Brigade. Well if u wonder y we hav 2 do da job, I ain't got the faintest idea of da TOOT* reason.

Anyway, overall I enjoyed myself and in fact, I've got new frenz from this experience. He's a little "HORNY" buiut I don't really mind that. The money we (SJAB of S'pore) had collected was to be given 2 da SJAB Hq (which was at Beach Rd; da building looks old) so that 40% goes 2 only SJI n da rest for themselves.

Their (SJAB Hq) reasons for taking 60% of our labor production is simple- for da sake of teachin' the poor 2 take care of themselves and learn how to do first aid. We were really nervous at first, especially when we were dejected umpteen times, mainly because of people already donating 2 other SJAB members. The feeling is rather embarrasing and....I can't find words 2 describe, but u will feel awful. I've covered the topic of da reasons, feelings... Oh! One more thing. We went to City Hall's Raffles City Tower to collect those $$$. It was a fairly strategic place. Mainly due to the shopping centre and taxi stand (where we got a couple of notes and coins change). But we (me and 1 partner) slacked a lot. We went 2 McDonalds to rest a couple of times. But slackiung gives luck as 2 families came 2 us involuntarilily and donated about $5/family just 4 the sake of giving their countless children stickers!!!

From this experience, I've learnt that slacking sometimes gives success. But nevertheless, we should work hard in order 2 succeed in wat we do, always. Well folks, I've come to the end of my "drama". You're freed 2 go :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Booohooo....... :(
I'm gonna die!! Someone save me.... Spare a little boy like me. Someone, pls pity me. But how, that's a good question. Well, u can threaten the MOE to give me better mark. Yup. Of course nobody would do that. Well, let's get 2 the point..... T_T

I for Literature, chinese TA...... T_T It's so hard 2 admit. Booohoooo.....Waaaah!!!!!!!!! Sob..sob...... least its over now. By the way, I got 47 (D7) for the chinese TA (4 ur info, TA = Term assesment) and 48 (D7) for Literature.

Fortunately, I've got this awesome book, named High Rhulain. It's awesome and....oh well I will keep on blabbering if I don't stop now. Anyway, this book is a novel. Phew, blogging erases my sadness away.

Oh well, good luck to those out there. I hope ur luck is not as bad as mine. G'day people.
Over 'n' out!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

107 Muthu

Hi again bloggers!

Today was class cheering day. Sry 4 forgetting to informing you about this during the previous blogs. Anyway, my class, 107 of the proud SJI won 3rd place during the cheering competition. Well, to win, we simply shouted our lungs out throughout the cheer.

The cheer had funny lyrics, and that made us lose and gain some marks. Here are the lyrics:
We are the 107 Muthu, MUTHU! (2x)
To our name we will bring glory, GLORY!
Even if that means bloody and gory, GORY! (maybe this line penalised our marks)
We will run you down with a lorry, LORRY! (maybe this one too)
And we would not even say sorry, NO SORRY! ( maybe also this one)

We liked our class cheer. It was creative and funny. It was kind of a song and we like the tones. It is hilarious! I'm happy cause I contributed in making the responses. E.g MUTHU!, GLORY! etc.

Well that's about all. Goodbye and best wishes. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

"Bloodily" funny day

Hahaha!! Today is a damn funny day! My form teacher scratched both armpits while she was trying to nag at us, shouting,"Do your damn bloody AA! (Alternative assesments)" My class managed to control our laughter. It was only during recess that we laughed our hearts out. Pupils were looking curiously at us as we were laughing like a pack of crazy hyenas.

I regretted as I did not bring my handy cam along, cause I wanted to catch that scene live on film. If I did, I would have sooner or later posted it on YouTube! Well, next time I shall bring it along secretely and when she does that again, I shall catch her on tape and show all of you.

Until next time, folks. Over and out! :)



I'm so happy 2day! I got all A for my tests so far! I'm still waiting 4 my maths test results. Hope I can get A 4 it! :)

I got 21 out of 25 for my literature test and 25 out of 30 for my chemistry test. I'm so elated cause these scores will mean that my parents won't ground me. I'm also happy that my favorite number isn't so bad (21).

Good luck 4 all of you out there who r taking tests (especially secondary)! Work hard and go for it people! C u next time! Bye!

Anyway, visit for very interesting stories. (In fact, I read about her ever since last year.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Bad day

Sigh..... I fell down again and hurt my other knee.... I hate this! What's more, I've got lots of homework, again!

Fortunately, I didn't hurt my other knee so badly. It only suffered 2 scratches, that's all. Oh well, gotta go and work on my homework or else my teacher sure would whallop me.

Bye bye and G'day folks :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

All Right!

Yes! I finally done all the updates on my blog! I hope you can enjoy and like the video clips and the music tracklist!

Feel free 2 comment on my blog..... And hope I can find more new frenz!
Oh... Don't forget 2 vote 4 ur favorite game!

Bye, and best wishes :)

The Bad Fall

Arghhh!!! It hurts a lot! Last week I tripped over a rock and I landed on the hard and sweltering concrete road at my school's carpark. It didnt hurt that much. I sprayed antiseptic on my wound at the knee area after I showered when I reached home. As usual, it hurts quite a lot.

After a good night's rest, the wound began to cover up because of some kind of black skin. Then, I went to school and attended my PE lesson. Nothing extraordinary happened until when my PE teacher made us do Long Jumps. It is common for people to lose their balnce as soon as they landed on the soft grainy sand. And that happened to me.

I jumped and landed on the sand knee first and guess what? The black skin split and tore, exposing the naked pinkish wound. I began 2 bleed vigorously. I stayed at that position, trying 2 overcome the pain. Seeing the "severe" bleeding, I thought I would die of lack of blood if the bleeding does not stop in half an hour's time!

Fortunately, my PE teacher rushed to my aid and stopped the bleeding with the help of a piece of tissue. My friends were standing rooted to the ground. They were helpless. What they could do is to comfort me (Mind you, I wasn't crying, just moaning in pain, or maybe silent).

After the bleeding stopped, my PE teacher offered me a plaster. I refused because I knew that removing it would mean lots of pain. Thankfully, the black skin reappeared when I went home and the woung was no longer bloody or gory or painful.

It's been two days since that incident happened. However, I think the wound showed only little improvement. Anyway, it is now able to withstand landing on the sand when I did long jumps and it does bother me anymore. Thank God.........

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hi Guys!!

Phew! Today I just created another blog! Anyway, nice 2 meet all those out there......Today was a horrible day as my form teacher made everyone do piles of homework!Thank goodness we were allowed 2 pass it up by next Monday......

Oh by the way I still have 2 continue with my homework. This is my fifth homework and there are still 10 more. Only a third has been done! Omg........

Oh well gotta go or else my teacher would "whip me up" if I dont finish!

Soccer just got whacky!!

Azerothian Supervillains 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Grand finalllleeee 5