Friday, June 6, 2008

SJAB unit camp

Well, the first mediocre camp that I attended in my whole SJAB-sec 1 life. Woke up at 6.30 a.m in the morning and reported at school on 7.30 a.m. 1st day was okay. No fun, just training. Well, we were taught to sychronise our bunks; 4 tables- outermost for shoes and 1.5litre bottles, second outermost for home or casual clothes and underwear + socks. Next table was for P.E clothes and toiletries. Last was for eating utensils and towel.
Lights out on 12.50a.m after a night-time training session. We were woken up on 2 a.m and went on an M.E.D (Mass Evacuation Drill) training session up to 3.30 a.m before really sleeping to 7 a.m. We did 40 push-ups and withstanding a 30 minutes push-up position lecture for not sychronising our bunks properly at 7.30 a.m before going on a 3km jog and pull ups halfway. I did another 50 push ups for not being able to do 2 pull-ups and 15 dips. M.E.D was held on 10.30 p.m and ended on midnight, so we were able to sleep well.
The third day was the best because it was Recreation day. Thankfully it was an unforgettable amazing race through Orchard. We did embarrassing forfeits, thankfully only twice. Then we were confronted by con-men near Wisma Atria area when we were heading to Takashimaya for our last station. The con-men looked like gangsters and looked like they were about to fight us." "Cornered", 4 of the 6 in my bunk spent $2 each. Spent 15 min there though the con-men said it would only be a minute long. They gave us a pen each for our "donation to orphans". Back in school, we noticed the wrapper of the pen wrote that it was not a charitable organization and it was just for advertisement purposes. The pen was supposed to be free!!!!
Next it was Talent-time at 6.00 p.m. (We reached school by 4.00 p.m) We had to perform a short skit regarding to the topic "Anything". The talent-time was so hilarious that it was the best time of the camp. We barely did 30 push-ups on that day. M.E.D was help on 5.30a.m, though. By the time it was over, it was 7 a.m and we had no time to brush our teeth. It was Thursday, the last day of our camp, where we had to clear up push-ups and pack up. Watched the camp summary. Hilarious..... Then, we took our wallets and handphones and left. We were supposed to have a closing parade but since it was raining, it was called-off.
So there you are, my SJAB camp. Perhaps the camp summary video would be posted on youtube. Just type Sji-sjab camp summary 2008 and perhaps you may find the summary for our 2008 camp. Anyway, I would like 2 apologize to all 6A 2007 friends for not attending reunion BBQ due to the camp. Next time, inform me earlier! Have a nice day sluts :)

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