Thursday, February 28, 2008

107 Muthu

Hi again bloggers!

Today was class cheering day. Sry 4 forgetting to informing you about this during the previous blogs. Anyway, my class, 107 of the proud SJI won 3rd place during the cheering competition. Well, to win, we simply shouted our lungs out throughout the cheer.

The cheer had funny lyrics, and that made us lose and gain some marks. Here are the lyrics:
We are the 107 Muthu, MUTHU! (2x)
To our name we will bring glory, GLORY!
Even if that means bloody and gory, GORY! (maybe this line penalised our marks)
We will run you down with a lorry, LORRY! (maybe this one too)
And we would not even say sorry, NO SORRY! ( maybe also this one)

We liked our class cheer. It was creative and funny. It was kind of a song and we like the tones. It is hilarious! I'm happy cause I contributed in making the responses. E.g MUTHU!, GLORY! etc.

Well that's about all. Goodbye and best wishes. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

"Bloodily" funny day

Hahaha!! Today is a damn funny day! My form teacher scratched both armpits while she was trying to nag at us, shouting,"Do your damn bloody AA! (Alternative assesments)" My class managed to control our laughter. It was only during recess that we laughed our hearts out. Pupils were looking curiously at us as we were laughing like a pack of crazy hyenas.

I regretted as I did not bring my handy cam along, cause I wanted to catch that scene live on film. If I did, I would have sooner or later posted it on YouTube! Well, next time I shall bring it along secretely and when she does that again, I shall catch her on tape and show all of you.

Until next time, folks. Over and out! :)



I'm so happy 2day! I got all A for my tests so far! I'm still waiting 4 my maths test results. Hope I can get A 4 it! :)

I got 21 out of 25 for my literature test and 25 out of 30 for my chemistry test. I'm so elated cause these scores will mean that my parents won't ground me. I'm also happy that my favorite number isn't so bad (21).

Good luck 4 all of you out there who r taking tests (especially secondary)! Work hard and go for it people! C u next time! Bye!

Anyway, visit for very interesting stories. (In fact, I read about her ever since last year.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Bad day

Sigh..... I fell down again and hurt my other knee.... I hate this! What's more, I've got lots of homework, again!

Fortunately, I didn't hurt my other knee so badly. It only suffered 2 scratches, that's all. Oh well, gotta go and work on my homework or else my teacher sure would whallop me.

Bye bye and G'day folks :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

All Right!

Yes! I finally done all the updates on my blog! I hope you can enjoy and like the video clips and the music tracklist!

Feel free 2 comment on my blog..... And hope I can find more new frenz!
Oh... Don't forget 2 vote 4 ur favorite game!

Bye, and best wishes :)

The Bad Fall

Arghhh!!! It hurts a lot! Last week I tripped over a rock and I landed on the hard and sweltering concrete road at my school's carpark. It didnt hurt that much. I sprayed antiseptic on my wound at the knee area after I showered when I reached home. As usual, it hurts quite a lot.

After a good night's rest, the wound began to cover up because of some kind of black skin. Then, I went to school and attended my PE lesson. Nothing extraordinary happened until when my PE teacher made us do Long Jumps. It is common for people to lose their balnce as soon as they landed on the soft grainy sand. And that happened to me.

I jumped and landed on the sand knee first and guess what? The black skin split and tore, exposing the naked pinkish wound. I began 2 bleed vigorously. I stayed at that position, trying 2 overcome the pain. Seeing the "severe" bleeding, I thought I would die of lack of blood if the bleeding does not stop in half an hour's time!

Fortunately, my PE teacher rushed to my aid and stopped the bleeding with the help of a piece of tissue. My friends were standing rooted to the ground. They were helpless. What they could do is to comfort me (Mind you, I wasn't crying, just moaning in pain, or maybe silent).

After the bleeding stopped, my PE teacher offered me a plaster. I refused because I knew that removing it would mean lots of pain. Thankfully, the black skin reappeared when I went home and the woung was no longer bloody or gory or painful.

It's been two days since that incident happened. However, I think the wound showed only little improvement. Anyway, it is now able to withstand landing on the sand when I did long jumps and it does bother me anymore. Thank God.........

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hi Guys!!

Phew! Today I just created another blog! Anyway, nice 2 meet all those out there......Today was a horrible day as my form teacher made everyone do piles of homework!Thank goodness we were allowed 2 pass it up by next Monday......

Oh by the way I still have 2 continue with my homework. This is my fifth homework and there are still 10 more. Only a third has been done! Omg........

Oh well gotta go or else my teacher would "whip me up" if I dont finish!

Soccer just got whacky!!

Azerothian Supervillains 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Grand finalllleeee 5